Over 80% of all Donations go directly to Projects.

Under 20% for admin, fundraising, and salaries.

Thank you for your continued Support

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We Solve Critical Problems By Turning Ideas Into Innovation

A lot of work goes down at the grass root level in villages, Towns, Chiefdoms headquaters in the remotest corners as well as the most populous metros across Sierra Leone, with schools and government bodies. We need your contributions to keep coming in.



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A little about Us

Welcome to Sierra Hub

We are an innovative and value-driven NGO in ICT. We transform societies and also fuel the growth of the global economy. Located in Freetown Sierra Leone, we solidly work towards taking ICT to the less privilege. Sierra Hub is pledged to contribute its ICT solutions and innovative services with expertise to organizations, companies, and agencies.

We solve critical problems by turn ideas into innovation

"Over 15 Years of Accomplishments”

Learn More about Us

Our mission is " Stimulate a knowldge-based society by developing strategies, providing facilities, and optimizing promotions of innovation and creativity. Provide and intellectual property framework to foster ICT innovation and growth in the local and global economy".

Total Volunteers

Meals Served

Got Shelter

Adapted Children

To help the poor to raise their head and face the future with pride

save the poor.

Mission of “garbage people”

OUR CORE VALUES ARE BASED ON “We are Innovation Drivers”


As a team, we work together decently, respect one another, and share our knowledge, experiences, and social life.


Our employees are our success partners - They work with high passion and are involved in achieving our objectives.


The Hub is committed to develop the Sierra Leonean community, deploy innovation, and foster the spirit of creativity.


Efficiency is key in our duties and tasks.


We are honest and responsible. We trust our Innovative team

Our Testimonials

Over 15 Years of Accomplishments

Our Partners

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Contact Address

9 Bailey Street Brookfield's Railway Line, Freetown, Sierra Leone



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